Eine silbrige, sphärische Welt...

gemacht aus der Bläue des Himmels,

der Bläue des Meeres

und dem dunkleren Blauhauch der Inseln.


(Erhard Kästner)






Die griechischen Inseln,

von denen jede ihre eigene Persönlichkeit besitzt,

sind ebenso untrennbar mit dem Bild Griechenlands verbunden,

wie seine Hauptstadt, seine Ruinen und seine Sagen.

Teilweise stark besucht, teilweise völlig unbekannt,

von der Sonne versengt oder vom Wind gepeitscht

bilden sie eine Sinfonie aus Farben, Licht und einmaliger Schönheit.







Das Sehen allein

kann nicht helfen in Griechenland.

Man muss weilen und bleiben.


(Erhard Kästner)







Steven Demetri Georgiou, son of a Greek-Cypriot restaurateur and his Swedish wife, has Greek music running in his blood.

Did he listen to Greek music?


"Oh yes", he replied firmly,

"we went to weddings and parties.

Greek music inspired me.

I believe that my strange tempos and unexpected rhythms

are rooted in the music I was hearing when I was young."


Steve feels that his Greek musical background

has been a heavy influence on his music.

'It's only lately that I realized how subconsciously my work has always been affected by the forms of Greek music. You see, I get such a feeling

just listening to Greek music' Cause that was my fathers trip. It's just natural. My half-brother from my fathers first marriage, George, he really use to play the bazooka. He was one of the first bazooka to come to London and play the clubs about 14 years ago.

I used to go and listen to him.

That was really, I think, one of the beginnings of music for me listening to that and the kind of timing they have."